Step 1: Log on to
LinkedIn and then click the Search box. Choose "People"., Select "All filters". Type the word “recruiter” in the Title box and your city in the Location box.
Add keywords, such as “IT”, “Information Technologies”, “marketing”, “Java”,
etc. to help you drill down to recruiters who specialize in your area of
expertise. You can also try sorting by industry, relationship (1st,
2nd, or 3rd degree connection to you) or language, plus additional categories if you have paid for a premium account. IMPORTANT: If you have
narrowed your results too much, delete the keywords and industries from your
search and try again.
Step 2: Scan through the results, reading through various
people’s entries to find people who recruit for your field or industry. If you have a basic account, you can view up to 10 pages of results (100 people). If you have a premium account, you can view up to 10 times the number of people.
Step 3: Click the person’s picture or name to visit (and
become familiar with) his or her profile. Look to see if the person has a gold "in" symbol next to his/her name. If so, you can click the “Send Message”
button and compose a message using the OpenLink template without
being connected to the person. Learn more about sending free messages to recruiters.
If the person has an OpenLink logo, send an OpenLink message instead of inviting him/her to connect. |
Step 4: If the recruiter does not accept free messages, invite the person to connect by clicking the blue Connect
Step 5: Click "Add a message" and type a message to explain why you want to connect. You only have 300 characters to relay your message.
Not all recruiters will accept your connection request, but
many will and connecting with them can quickly help you build your overall
LinkedIn network since most recruiters are open networkers with thousands of
connections. Once you have made the connection, keep in touch so that the recruiters will remember you for their open positions.
Invite recruiters to connect! Doing so can definitely help you land a great job! Kathy
What questions or comments do you have about connecting with
recruiters? Share them on Getajobtips.com or on the LinkedIn discussion board
that might have brought you to the blog.
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Unemployment is the biggest issue. Today social media is the best alternate of connectivity. Connecting to the recruiters can bless the unemployed ones.I am talking on basis of facts, it is an experience. After being graduate it is really hard to sit idle at home.I started connecting to people via social media and finally i was approached by Mullins Cuddihy headhunters Ireland . It's being two years that i am blessed with social connectivity.