At an organization's expense, WiserU's CEO Kathy Bernard can lead LinkedIn and career sessions or speak on/facilitate talent shortage discussions at your event. Learn more: To request Kathy, complete the Contact form, call 847-606-5160 or email View Kathy's presentations on JobTransition.TV.
"You were amazing! You are so knowledgeable and good at presenting! I particularly liked how well you were able to answer the specific questions listeners had." -- Angela, Healthcare Businesswomen's Association
"You provide an enthusiasm that very few other speakers provide."
There is always such a buzz of networking and positive attitude after one of your presentations and so much of it comes from your presentation style and your enthusiasm. You are the best! -- Ken Eckert, Beyond Networking
Kathy Bernard interview about solving talent shortages on KMOX Total Information AM
WiserU CEO Kathy Bernard training area college students at Washington University in St. Louis. |