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Calling the hiring manager can improve your chances of getting an interview. |
Before the call:
1) Determine who the hiring manager is. Learn how.
2) Send him/her an email with your resume so he/she has something to refer to. Email the hiring manager
- State within the email that you will follow up on a certain date.
- Follow up by phone on the date that you stated.
- Expect and prepare for the three main ways that your call will be answered: 1) You’ll reach the hiring manager directly, 2) You’ll reach the hiring manager’s voicemail, or 3) You’ll reach the person’s assistant (who often acts as the gatekeeper to keep calls from reaching the hiring manager).
Use this basic script if you reach the hiring manager directly:
"Hello, My name is FIRST NAME / LAST NAME. I sent an email to you earlier this week about COMPANY NAME’s JOB TITLE opening. Do you have a moment to talk? (PAUSE FOR THEIR RESPONSE)
I applied online for the position, but I also wanted to reach out to you personally because I'm so interested in the position and feel I am uniquely suited for the role. I am highly adept at the [MOST IMPORTANT JOB REQUIREMENT] and have extensive [SECOND MOST IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT] experience in the [NAME OF INDUSTRY].
I would love to speak with you in person about the opportunity. When might be a good time to talk? I am available this week. Next week is also good for me. Thank you.
Use a modified version of the script if you reach the person’s voicemail.
I applied online for the position, but I also wanted to reach out to you personally because I'm so interested in the position and feel I am uniquely suited for the role.
I would love to speak with you about the opportunity. You can reach me, FIRST NAME / LAST NAME, at PHONE NUMBER WITH AREA CODE. That's [S-L-O-W-l-Y] PHONE NUMBER WITH AREA CODE. I will try to reach you later today if I haven’t heard from you first. Thank you.
Or, if you want to be mysterious about why you are calling, just say:
Please call me at your earliest convenience. You can reach me, FIRST NAME / LAST NAME, at PHONE NUMBER WITH AREA CODE. That's [S-L-O-W-l-Y] PHONE NUMBER WITH AREA CODE. I will call you later today if I haven't heard from you first. Thank you.
Use this script if you reach the person’s assistant (gatekeeper):
(OPTIONAL) I’m following up on an email that I sent him/her earlier this week.”
If pressed for details, say:
I would like to speak to HIM/HER about the POSITION opening.
- Keep your message short, friendly and energetic.
- Avoid saying um. Practice what you will say.
- Mention the names of people who you know at the hiring company or who are mutual connections to the hiring manager to build rapport.
- Don’t call companies that say “do not call” in the job description.
- If you sense annoyance or stress in the person’s voice, end the call and send an email instead.
The bottom line: Start contacting hiring managers after you apply online. It will greatly improve your job chances.
How do you influence hiring managers when you apply for jobs? Call them … email them or other ways? Share your thoughts via the Contact tab. -- Kathy
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