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Bright Ideas for Refreshing Your Career


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Photo Credit: Tamarcus Brown via Unsplash

Do you feel like your career has stalled, and would you like to make changes in your work life to turn it into something more fulfilling and exciting? You don’t have to make any rash decisions or huge sacrifices to reach your goals. Here, WiserU presents three ideas to get you inspired and motivated to make a change.

Spruce Up Your Resume

Whether you’re trying to move up the ladder at your current place of employment or trying to obtain a position at another company, bring it up to today’s standards through WiserU or another provider.

When updating your resume, focus on your most recent work experience, and delete early experiences that aren’t relevant to the jobs you want. Make sure to list all the new skills you’ve acquired at your current job or while attending seminars and workshops. Use keywords and action verbs to impress applicant tracking software and get your résumé into the hands of the right recruiters.

If you are linking your resume to a digital portfolio, take advantage of free online PDF tools when compiling and editing these documents. For instance, you can use such tools to merge files together to create a unified portfolio and another tool to separate out and replace outdated pages. Another option to try is Behance.net, which lets you create and promote a stellar portfolio.

Go Back to School

If your current job is no longer fulfilling, change course by taking classes that will lead to a new career. Get certified in something new, like teaching English as a foreign language. This certification offers great career opportunities for people who love to travel and experience new things and those who prefer working in the comfort of their own homes, as they’ll be able to offer online lessons to their students.

You can also enroll in a college or university: sign up for online classes and get an MBA in the field of your choice, such as finance, healthcare, marketing, or technology, just to name a few. Studying online is often more affordable than in-person classes, and you’ll be able to study while you’re still employed at your current company, which is a major benefit if you’re caring for a family and you need to keep receiving a steady paycheck.

Another option would be to take online courses through LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com). It is an online learning platform available for free to anyone with a LinkedIn premium account. It offers thousands of video courses taught by industry experts to build your software, creative, and business skills.

Use Free Learning Resources

Learning to code can be a transformative skill as you navigate a career change. In today's tech-driven world, coding skills are highly valued across industries, not just in traditional tech roles. By acquiring coding abilities, you open the door to a wide range of new career opportunities, from software development to data analysis, and even roles in emerging fields like artificial intelligence.

Coding also enhances your problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and creativity, which are assets in any professional endeavor. Moreover, the journey to learn coding has been made more accessible than ever, thanks to numerous free learning resources available online. These platforms offer courses, tutorials, and interactive exercises that cater to all levels, from beginners to advanced learners. By taking advantage of these resources, you can develop a highly marketable skill set at your own pace and convenience, significantly boosting your employability and potential in the ever-evolving job market.

Start Your Own Business

After years of working for someone else, you may be eager to start your own venture and be your own boss. Having your own business puts you in charge of your schedule and life goals, so if you have enough know-how and expertise in your field, take the next step and become an entrepreneur.

Start by writing down a business plan detailing how your new company will be structured, who the main players will be, and how much money you’ll need to purchase the equipment and materials to get started. Make financial predictions based on market research to attract investors.

If you’re worried about your financial security, start small and keep your day job while you get your startup off the ground so that you and your family can still live comfortably until you’re ready to turn your new business into your full-time career. It is normal to be frustrated as a new business owner. Owning and operating a business is challenging! Commit to day-to-day details while growing your business strategically. Remember: success doesn’t happen overnight.

Use Career Coaching

Restarting your career can be daunting, filled with uncertainties and tough decisions. This is where WiserU career coaching becomes an invaluable asset. WiserU offers personalized coaching tailored to your unique career goals or business circumstances. Their experienced coaches provide guidance on various aspects, including LinkedIn optimization, resume writing, interview techniques, and effective job search strategies. We can help you identify your strengths, refine your professional brand, and navigate the complexities of the job market.

With WiserU's support, you gain clarity on your career path, develop the confidence to pursue new opportunities, and acquire the skills to stand out in a competitive job landscape. Whether you're changing industries, re-entering the workforce, or climbing the corporate ladder, let us equip you to make a successful transition and achieve your career or business aspirations.

Questions? Or, do you want career coaching, resume optimization, or to maximize LinkedIn for your career or business through training or services? We’d love to hear from you! -- Kathy


WiserU, the publisher of the WiserUTips.com blog, provides LinkedIn and career training and services for individuals and organizations. Visit WiserU.com for details.
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  •  Businesses hire Kathy Bernard to maximize their use of LinkedIn for sales, marketing, and fundraising through expert LinkedIn training and services.  Learn more 
  • The unemployed and miserably employed hire WiserU for LinkedIn training, career coaching, and LinkedIn profile and resume services. Learn more

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